The Self Employment Program is designed to help WorkBC clients experiencing unemployment / underemployment start small businesses that will provide them with a sustained income. Beginning in 2025, the program will be delivered directly by WorkBC’s employment services.
Important Update
For over 30 years, Community Futures proudly delivered the Self Employment Program in the Central Kootenay region. As of January 1, 2025, we are no longer accepting new clients as we transition the program to WorkBC’s employment services.
To explore the opportunities available through the Self Employment Program, book an appointment at your local WorkBC Employment Service Centre.
Castlegar, Nelson, Kaslo, Salmo, Slocan, Regional District Central Kootenay Areas E, F & G; Area H (south of Slocan), and Area D (south of Kaslo).
250-352-6200 (Nelson)
250-365-6515 (Castlegar)
Creston, Crawford Bay, Yahk, Regional District Central Kootenay Areas A, B & C
Nakusp, New Denver, Silverton, Regional District Central Kootenay Area K & Area H (north of Slocan)