Board of Directors

We would like to acknowledge the following individuals who volunteer their time and services to support the vision of  Community Futures Central Kootenay.

  • Nelson – Am Naqvi, Chair
  • Castlegar – Robert Bleier, Vice Chair
  • Castlegar – Chris Bell, Past Chair
  • Nelson – Bob Wright, Past Chair
  • Creston – Terry Bambrick
  • Slocan – Beth Campbell
  • Nelson – Andrew Kyle
  • Salmo/ Nelson – Tyler Rice
  • Kaslo – Alecia Neville

Committee Members

In addition to the above, we have other community members who volunteer their time and services to the Self-Employment and the Loans Committees. We are grateful to have such a dedicated group of Central Kootenay volunteer representatives participating on the board and all committees and representing Central Kootenay communities.


  • Bob Wright – Board Member
  • Andrew Kyle – Board Member
  • June Ray – Member at Large
  • Terry Bambrick – Board Member
  • Chris Bell – Board Member
  • Alecia Neville – Board Member

Governance Model


The Governance Committee will, as director vacancies occur or are anticipated, review the needs of the Board for specific expertise, resources, geographical representation, or skills necessary to bring strength and balance to the Board. Membership on the Board of Directors should not focus on a single issue in the activities of the organization and rather should be considered on diversity of experience and background.

The Governance Committee shall identify, check references, interview and recruit suitably qualified individuals willing to consider being nominated for position of Director, and recommend their appointment to the Board in a manner consistent with the By-law and these policies.

The Governance Committee will maintain a file of all interested candidates who have been so reviewed in compliance with Personal Information Protection Act.

The Governance Committee will be comprised of the Board Chairperson (or Vice Chair), Past Chair, one director and the Executive Director.


Board composition is to ideally be distributed throughout the Central Kootenay Region.
Diversity is sought in the areas of geographic representation, gender, age and ethnicity.

Skill sets that are sought include:

  • engaged and connected in local community;
  • aware of their community’s values.
  • entrepreneurial experience;
  • financial acumen;
  • legal expertise;
  • human resources expertise;
  • youth engagement;
  • social enterprise knowledge;
  • community economic development expertise; and
  • succession planning.

Ideally, board membership of CF shall be geographically distributed as follows:

  • Kaslo and Area – 1 Director
  • Nakusp and Area – 1 Director
  • Slocan Valley – 1 Director
  • Salmo and Area – 1 Director
  • Nelson/Balfour and Area – 2 Directors
  • East Shore of Kootenay Lake – 1 Director
  • Castlegar and Area – 2 Directors
  • Creston and Area – 1 Director

When appropriate, membership can expand to a maximum of 15.



Community Futures Central Kootenay 2022/23 Annual Report

For a copy of the entire audited financial statement please contact

Andrea Wilkey
Executive Director, Community Futures Central Kootenay
250-352-1933 extension: 103

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