The Nelson and Area Economic Development Partnership (NAEDP) is an innovative collaboration between the City of Nelson, RDCK Electoral Areas E and F, Community Futures Central Kootenay, and the Nelson & District Chamber of Commerce.
The Nelson and Area Economic Development Partnership was formed so that local and community economic development opportunities in and around Nelson could be pursued jointly, efficiently, and effectively.
Who We Are
2023 Nelson and Area Economic Development Partnership Advisory and Coordinating Committee Members
What We Do
Each year, the Nelson and Area Economic Development Partnership (NAEDP) supports community economic development projects and initiatives in Nelson and area.
The NAEDP’s 2023 Strategic Priorities are used to guide the partnership. Currently, we are working to:
- Address the lack of workforce housing;
- Find solutions to workforce shortages;
- Provide timely business training opportunities on topics such as disaster preparedness, how to sell a business, and how to manage workforce shortages;
- Support the Arts, Culture and Heritage sector as it recovers from the impacts of the pandemic;
- Continue our #ThinkLocalFirst to support local businesses;
- Encourage investment attraction;
- Provide climate action supports to our business community; and,
- Advocate for the needs of our community at all levels of government.
Projects We Support
- Actively supporting the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot
- Business Continuity Planning
- Nelson Innovation Centre
- Actively supporting the West Kootenay Boundary Community Investment Co-op
- Winning recognition as an Intelligent Community