Success Stories

Neighbours Computers – A Story of Success

Dave Bachmier and his dog Pinner have found the formula to success with his Neighbours Computers business in Grand Forks, B.C.

The personable owner of the aptly named local computer shop is more than willing to communicate the challenges he has faced since serving in the Canadian Forces.

 A military accident left him with back injuries and as it turned out PTSD. The non-logical side of his brain left him feeling like there is always a threat, and he spent years trying to become a member of his community again. Owning his own business was the key ingredient.

He started his computer business in a building with only 890 square feet and when he needed to expand, the banks wouldn’t help, but Community Future’s Entrepreneurs with Disabilities Program stepped in.

With an EDP loan Dave bought a 3000-square foot building enabling him to add more stock and deliver better services for his clients. To fully participate in the business while managing his PTSD, Dave set up his new shop to minimize stress triggers: clear sight lines, open backgrounds, clearly marked customer and service areas, and his ever-present service dog Pinner.

Success may not have been easy for Dave, but it led to the rapid expansion of his storefront, winning his community’s retail excellence award, and the addition of more employees sooner than Dave initially thought. Dave makes an effort to hire other local people with disabilities after seeing the faith Community Futures put in his concept and its execution.

“Community Futures looked past my disability and at this ability,” he says, pointing at himself. “I aim to do the same when hiring.

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